Monday, November 23, 2015

Mama Interview :: JENN

Monday, November 23, 2015

Tell us about you:
My name is Jennifer Flynn. I'm a 31 year old mama of 2 littles. My son, Johnny, is a sweet, sensitive 5 year old. My daughter, Lena, is 2 and is my wildcat! They are my world. My husband and I will be celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary this September. We have been through it all and I can't imagine life without him by my side! I have been a SAHM since I was 4 months pregnant with my son and was put on bed rest. Recently, since both kids are now old enough to be in preschool, I have taken on more of a role in my husband's business and have also been doing some work at the kids' school. It has been a big change for me and I am loving it! 

What does a regular day look like for you?
Typically being woken up before my alarm by my daughter, turning on the coffee pot and the whole craziness that is getting yourself and your child ready to leave on time! School for the kids, work for me, errands, cleaning, meals, baths, some play time with the littles of course, and hopefully an easy bedtime for them and some quiet time for mama!

How do you manage to balance life and being a mom?
Being a mom is my life. I'm still working on the whole "me" thing. 

When did you know you wanted to be a mom? Was it something you always knew or was there a certain moment?
I've always known. I never thought it would happen but I've always wanted it.

How has motherhood changed you?
It has made me stronger, a little bit crazier, a lot more loved. 

What's the hardest thing about being a mother? The most rewarding?
There is nothing easy about being a mother. It is all incredibly hard, but there is nothing more rewarding. For me, it is the little moments when the kids are figuring out new things for the first time and I see just how smart and amazing they are. 

What is your biggest fear as a mother?
That I will fail my children somehow.

Do you ever have "how the heck am I going to do this!?" moments?
Every. Single. Day. 

What's the best piece of advice you have been given?
The best piece of advice was given to me by my Ava (grandmother.) It was long before I became a mother, I was maybe 16 or 17. She saw I was having a rough time and she came over and just sat with me, both of us quiet. Then she got up and looked at me and said "Screw them. Just be happy. I love you." It was perfect and is even more relevant now than it was then.

Biggest worry about your child's/children's future?
Without getting too political... that this country is going to be in shambles and they will struggle to even have a future.

What would you say to a mom who is feeling down about herself as a mom?
Hang in there! Motherhood is hard and we all have those days where we don't feel good enough, but you are more than good enough and you are amazing!

Do you feel like social media has a positive or negative (or both) influence on motherhood?
Mostly negative. The media generally shows famous, rich people as perfect mothers who do it all and it makes the rest of us think we aren't good enough when really these people just have the means to source out the many, many things the rest of us do on our own every day! Also, I think social media breeds competition between mothers and that doesn't help anyone. 

Have you ever been in a situation (or witnessed one) where someone made you feel ashamed for something you did as a mom? Were you able to overcome it? How? What are your thoughts on the on going mom bashing and shaming and how would you like to see it change?
I have been dealing with people telling me I'm doing everything wrong from day 1. It started in the hospital with the nurses being incredibly rude and making me feel like I was failing my son because we were having difficulty breastfeeding. Ultimately, I got over it and realized as long as my son was healthy that was all that mattered. But it was enough to scar me as a first time mom. The same thing happened when I had my daughter but I wasn't so scared then and knew their opinions didn't matter. Still, it should never have happened. The worst thing I've gone through was people very close to me treating me horribly and trying to make me feel guilty for decisions I made to protect my children. But this situation also made me realize more than ever that I am a great mom because no matter how difficult it has been for me, I have thought of nothing but my children and their well-being. We're all different and we all have different parenting ideals and opinions, but we're all just doing the best we can.

What's one tip you would share with future moms?
Just do the best you know how and don't worry about what anyone else says. It's hard but so freeing.

How or what do you want your kids to remember you by?
I want them to remember me as someone who loves them and is proud of them no matter what. And to remember that they are the best thing I have ever done. 

What is something you miss about life before your kids?
Uninterrupted showers!

What's something that people close to you might not know?
I lost a baby between my son and daughter and it is an emotional wound I struggle with every day. 

What inspires you most?
People who are genuinely happy. 

Are you proud of yourself and who you have become as a mom? Would you change anything? Yes! I am at a point where I have realized that I am pretty great at this whole mom thing and I'm proud of myself for doing it MY way. 

Who are 3 inspiring mamas you follow on Instagram?
@antlersandrosesphoto / @ryonne56 / @tjheather - Three completely different but amazing moms in different situations who get it done!

Where can we follow you?
Instagram: @hey.itsjenn, @mamaspluscoffee Twitter: @HeyItsJennFlynn

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