I wasn't going to post my birth
story, because I thought, "Who cares about my birth story?" Then I
thought about how peaceful and positive my birth experience was, and with all
of the horror stories out there, I thought maybe this might put some expecting
mamas at ease.
I was due on Sunday, 2/08/15.
Throughout my whole pregnancy I had a good feeling about my due date. I really felt
like he was coming that day! I got up that morning and lost my mucus plug and
thought "OMG I KNEW IT!!!" Then I started having contractions 8 min
apart, then 7, 6, 5. They were lasting 3-5 min too. I finally called my mom and
told her we were going to head to the hospital. By the time we got there, my
mom already beat us there. She was so excited, but I was really wanting a
mellow vibe. She came with us to our room and started contradicting the nurse!
I was feeling stressed and wasn't dilating, so they sent us home. I was so
bummed, looking forward to having my baby that day. As soon as we left the
contractions stopped. My boyfriend, Charlie, stayed home from work the next day
(Monday) just in case. But my contractions were all over the place. Monday night,
I was up all night with contractions. I barely slept. He stayed home Tuesday
too, but nothing was really consistent. Until about 10:00 pm. I started
having really strong contractions that were lasting 7 min long, 4 min apart.
Charlie timed them for a couple hours. I kept saying, "No. We can wait a
little longer. I don't want to get sent home again." We left
at 2am Wednesday morning, and arrived at the hospital at 2:46.
We were so excited the whole way down there! We decided not to call anyone. It
just felt good having it be the two of us. My contractions were pretty intense.
As soon as we pulled up to the ER, I peed in the parking lot! I had no idea I
had to go so badly.
I was so dehydrated and weak,
Charlie had to carry me into the hospital. We got all checked in and ready.
When the nurse came in, we told her our birth plan: "Positive, happy vibe.
No medical intervention. Thank you for being a huge part of this special
time." My nurse checked me and I was already at 5 cm! She was surprised to
see how calm I was that far into labor. And my water had broke. I was so happy
that I was really in labor. They hooked me up to an IV because I was so
dehydrated. They poked me 5 times and hit a nerve! That was the only time I
cried during labor. It hurt so bad! After that, she left us alone for as long
as we wanted. She said to call if we needed anything. Charlie stood by me and
held my hand through each contraction. He kept telling me how strong and
amazing I was. He walked my IV to the bathroom with me every time I had to go
(1 and 2). It got real, real fast! He never combined or left my side. I knew
that as long as I had him there, I would be okay.
In between each contraction, we told
each other how much we love each other and how happy we were. My contractions were
getting insane!!! I had two 15 min long contractions back to back! I called the
nurse in and said I felt like pushing. It was only 3 1/2 hours after being at
the hospital. She checked me at said I was 10 cm, but not fully effaced. I had
another contraction and called her again. She said I still wasn't quite there.
I asked her to watch me go through a contraction. As she watched, her eyes got
huge and she said, "Let me go get the doctor!" As the door shut
behind her, she yelled out, "Oh my gosh! She's already ready to
push!" It turned out, I was fully effaced, but my bag was in the way, so
it looked like it was my skin. The doctor came in, and after 6 pushes in 15
min, he was out. He was born at 6:48 am, exactly 4 hours and 2 min after
we got to the hospital. I remember telling myself not to pass out in between
contractions because I was pushing so hard, the room was going black! When he
came out, I held him against me, skin to skin. We made eye contact with each
other, then I gave him a moment to look at Charlie.
He was the most beautiful thing I
had ever seen in my life. He nursed for 15 min on each side right away, as the
doctor delivered my placenta and stitched me up (I had a two degree tear). He
weighed 6lb 15.2oz and was 19 1/2 in. long. All the nurses heard my birth story
and came in to say good job and congratulations. My nickname was Superstar
among the staff, for the duration of our stay. It was kinda corny, but I have
to admit, it felt good after giving a natural birth so quickly. My son ate so
much, he only lost an ounce in the hospital, so we got to go home a day early.
It was the birth we wanted, and I feel so blessed to have had that experience.
It was the most beautiful day of our lives.
I hope this inspires any mamas-to-be
to think of birth as a positive experience. I was open minded to an epidural or
a c-section if need be, but really wanted natural. I think since I was so calm
and open, I was able to let my body relax and have my baby naturally and
quickly. All births are beautiful. As long as Mommy and Baby are safe, it is a
successful birth! Cheers to us and our amazing little babies!
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