Monday, November 23, 2015

We All Sink

Monday, November 23, 2015

Women are amazing. Mothers even more so. We fight a battle every day, within ourselves, to do what is right for our own children.

This is why I don't understand the harsh words, judgment, disrespect and shaming that is all too common in the motherhood community.

We're all different people with different needs, different opinions, living different lives. What makes some think THEIR way is the right way? The ONLY right way?

Motherhood is hard. It's SO hard. We all know this. We all know that it is frustrating and overwhelming and sometimes we feel like we're failing.

We know how it feels to be judged. Maybe you're out with a grumpy child who hasn't had their nap yet and their screams are gaining stares and looks of disapproval from passersby. They're judging you. They're judging you and it feels horrible. You feel small, like you're doing something wrong, like you're not good enough.

Why would you put that on another mother?

In some ways you know exactly how she feels, there are things we all go through. But you don't know her story, her life, her struggles.

We're all just doing what we think is best for our own families. All of our families are different. So what makes one think that there is ONE right way for all of us?

It's so upsetting, heartbreaking really, to see mothers putting other mothers down. Life puts us down enough. We definitely don't need it from others who should be supporting us. Others who are right there in the boat with us, just poking holes. It makes no sense, this kind of behavior. Because in the end? We all sink

Mama Interview :: ALISON

Tell us a little about you:
I'm a wife and stay at home Mama to two boys and twin girls. I'm slightly (totally) addicted to coffee. I love a good book, and adventure in the great outdoors, and need to make more time for both. 

What does a regular day look like for you?
When the boys are out of school, our days are pretty much spent hanging out at home. I try to incorporate a few outings into our week, like the science center, a park, or a play date. But honestly, with two 2 year olds who still nap, I feel pretty tied to the house at this stage of our life. I look forward to the days when we can get out and adventure more, but am *trying* not to rush through this phase of life. 

How do you manage to balance being a mom?
Sometimes I'm not sure that I do balance life and motherhood well. I feel like it's a constant process, learning how to be present and really make the most of their childhood, but also finding time for myself, and to invest in my marriage. 

When did you know you wanted to be a mom? Was it something you always knew or was there a certain moment?
I always knew I wanted to be a mom. It's just something I always envisioned for myself. 

How has motherhood changed you?
I feel like motherhood has made me less selfish, and more selfish, all at the same time. I find myself longing (often) for alone time. I just want to drink a cup of coffee without heating it up 16 times, and read a book for an hour uninterrupted, and take amazing adventures, and pee alone. But because I'm a mother, these things aren't always possible, so I am learning to set aside my wants and needs for the sake of being an active and present mother.

What's the hardest thing about being a mother? The most rewarding?
Motherhood, especially for stay at home moms, can be lonely and isolating. I often feel like every day is the same...wake up, breakfast, play time, break up fighting children, lunch, break up fighting children, play time, dinner, baths, break up fighting children, bed, do it all again tomorrow. The daily grind can definitely make you feel weary. On the flip side of that, you have these little people who are crazy about you, and you are crazy about them. You get to watch them learn and grow and discover new things, and you don't miss any of it, and that's pretty amazing.

What is your biggest fear as a mother?
I don't really remember what my greatest fear was about becoming a mother. It was probably something silly like the amount of sleep I would lose. But now that I have 4 little people who have been entrusted to me, there are plenty of fears. The fear that I will completely screw them up and they will need therapy tops the list. I try so hard to be loving and kind and patient, but my fuse is often short, and I snap and raise my voice, and show my frustrations. And honestly, I worry a lot about how this will impact them as adults. I worry that they will remember me as impatient rather than loving. 

Do you ever have "how the heck am I going to this!?" moments?
Yes. All the time. But, we do it. We conquer each "how the heck am I going to do this" thing, and then I realize I can do that thing, and I move on to worrying about the next "how the heck am I going to do this" thing. Does that make sense? :) 

What's the best piece of advice you have been given?
That all children are different, and what worked for one person, might not work for my kids, with their personalities and in our situation. That it's okay to learn through trial and error, and to figure out for ourselves what works best for us. 

Biggest worry about your child's/children's future?
See 3 questions above.

What would you say to a mom who is feeling down about herself as a mom?
I would say that we have all been there, and we have all felt that way. I would acknowledge that the season she is going through is hard, because sometimes you just need someone to agree that motherhood is difficult and scary and lonely. I would encourage her that it does get better, and would let her cry on my shoulder as long as she wanted, because everyone knows a good cry fixes so many things. 

Do you feel like social media has a positive or negative (or both) influence on motherhood?
Definitely both. Social media has connected me to so many mothers (who are now close friends) that I never would have met otherwise. Social media has also made me feel like I don't feed my kids healthy enough, or read to them enough, or decorate their rooms pretty enough...and on and on and on. I think we have to be careful to find a good balance. What we see is not the whole picture. It's easy to forget that and compare ourselves to others. 

Have you ever been in a situation (or witnessed one) where someone made you feel ashamed for something you did as a mom? Were you able to overcome it? How? What are your thoughts on mom bashing and shaming and how would you like to see it change?
I was eating lunch one day (in a restaurant) with my Mom and my boys when they were much younger. We'd had a long day and the boys were tired, and because of that, Grayson (who was 3 at the time) was fidgety. There was a woman sitting at the table directly next to ours, and I could feel her eyes on me the whole time. She even jumped up out of her chair and gasped when Gray nearly fell off his chair when he tried to rock it back and forth. As I was gathering my things to leave, she approached our table and told me that if I wouldn't allow my children to drink sweet tea (they weren't drinking sweet tea) they would behave better. Then she started to lecture me on the effects of sugar. I stopped her, and told her that it was none of her business what my children were drinking, and she needed to return to her table. She said she was just trying to be helpful, to which I replied, "you are not trying to be helpful, you are being rude". We had quite the audience, as I'm sure my voice was much louder than I intended. She returned to her table, mumbling the whole time. My Mom and I were able to have a good laugh about it on the way home. 
I would love to see Moms loving on and supporting each other more. We really are all in this together, and doing the best we can. Instead of shaming me, it would be great if that lady had offered to clean off our table for us, or buy me a coffee, or just offered a kind smile. 

What's one tip you would share with future moms?
Try not to take it all too seriously. Laugh with your kids, and take time to play and be silly. (This advice is for me too) 

How or what do you want you kids to remember you by?
I want them to remember me as kind and loving. I want them to remember me as someone who reached out to people in need, and welcomed people into our home and loved on them when they needed to be loved on. I have a lot of work to do on this one. 


What is something you miss about life before your kids?
When we were dating and early married, Scott and I used to take weekend trips. We did a lot of hiking and backpacking and weekend adventuring. I miss being able to take a spontaneous, last minute trip. 

What's something that people close to you might not know?
Hmmmm. I can't really think of anything. I feel like I'm pretty much an open book. An over-sharer, actually. 

What inspires you most?
People who are real and honest and open. I'm inspired by other women who are willing to share the good and the bad, their triumphs and their shortcomings. 

What is one question you would ask your mother (about anything)?
People often say, "They won't be little forever. When they're grown and gone, you'll wish they were little and at home again". I asked my Mom one day if this was true, if she wished we were little again. My Mom is so wise. She said, "No. I don't. I loved having small children, and enjoyed that time of your lives, but it wouldn't be natural to want you to stay little forever. Every stage of life has value. I enjoy my relationship with my adult children too, it's just different. Not better or worse, just different".  

Are you proud of yourself and who you have become as a mom? Would you change anything?
In some ways, yes. I'm proud of the way we love our children, and that we have worked hard to provide a stable, safe and loving home for them. But I still have so much work to do. I'm such a work in progress, and always will be. 

Who are some inspiring mamas you follow on Instagram?
@mandiejoy /  @haverlee /  @alison_winter 

Where can we follow you?
@alilittle28 on Instagram

Military + Motherhood :: SANDRA

(Photos by Ali Brown photography)

Being a military wife has it's ups and downs. You get to move to different states, different countries, meet a lot of awesome people but sadly say good bye too. My husband and I have been married for six years. And just recently got over a 286 deployment. Which was not easy at all. Thankfully I had my 14 year old here to help, which sometimes makes me sad that she had to pause being a teenager and help fill her dads shoes. Daddy missed my sons first birthday, his first steps, first words, and so many other milestones. 

He left when Sophia (my middle child) was still in diapers and came back to her being fully potty trained and so independent. Sophia was the one that took it the hardest. She would always question where daddy was and ask if he no longer lived with us. Which always broke my heart, because I knew she felt as if he had abandoned her. It was really stressful for me as well. The day he left I was a wreck. I couldn't stop crying and just missing him. Knowing that I had a long tough almost 10 months by myself. I had good days but definitely had hard days. Days where the kids would be acting up, crying and I would be so exhausted that I would just hide in the closet and cry it out. 

I will say that this deployment made my husbands and I relationship stronger. We would talk almost everyday (thanks to technology) and express to each other how much we loved one another and how we couldn't wait to be with each other again. Overall you just have to be strong, but it's ok to cry. It'll make you feel better. One thing that really broke my heart was hearing my daughter ask her dad if we were a family again. We thought that our youngest was going to have a hard time adjusting to daddy being back, but thankfully he didn't. Having pictures of daddy all over the house and constantly talking about him helped a lot. Especially videos of daddy reading to the kids.

If you're going through a deployment now take it one day at a time and keep yourself busy! Think about how good it's going to feel to have your man back in your arms after it's over!! Surround yourself with positive people! And drink wine! Lots of wine! (when the kids are asleep of course.)

- Sandra
Mamas + Coffee © 2014