us about you:
My name is Raewyn - a
feminist wife and mama with a passion for self-love. I strive to empower women
to embrace self-love and teach young girls to have confidence.
My daughter usually wakes me up around 7 and we spend the first bit of the day playing and reading. She'll take a nap and I get some work done. Then we go on a walk and do some chores. Naptime and work, again. Our afternoons vary. We'll go to lunch with family or friends or play outside. Then she has an afternoon nap and my husband comes home and we have family time. When she goes to bed, I do the most work on my blog and business.
How do you manage to balance life, work and being a mom?
I am learning how to do it! Most days my house is a mess or work isn't done, but my husband never seems to mind!
When did you know you wanted to be a mom? Was it something you always knew or was there a certain moment?
I always knew that I wanted to be a mom, but I definitely was not ready until this past year.
How has motherhood changed you?
Motherhood has made me more of myself. It has calmed my anxiety disorder, making it almost nonexistent. I've also found more clarity in my passion and calling in life. Lastly, it definitely has made me more of a clean freak.
What's the hardest thing about being a mother? The most rewarding?
The hardest thing is being relied on for everything. I used to be fiercely independent so having someone dependent on me is different. The most rewarding is being someone's everything. I am in awe of the way she looks at me and learns from me.
What is your biggest fear as a mother?
My biggest fear is that I would be a selfish mother though anyone who knows me would tell me I could never be that. But, I want to give her the world.
Do you ever have "how the heck am I going to this!?" moments?
All the time!! It is all still so surreal to me!
What's the best piece of advice you have been given?
Trust your gut.
What is your biggest worry about your child(ren)'s future?
I actually don't think about the negative too much. The only worry that comes to mind is that she would suffer from an anxiety disorder or addiction like her father and me.
What would you say to a woman who is feeling down about herself as a mom?
You've got this mama! I see how tough it is and I see you doubting yourself but you are amazing. Look at your accomplishments. Look how your child looks at you. That is how you measure your worth as a mom.
Do you feel like social media has a positive or negative (or both) influence on motherhood?
I think that it can have both. The group of mamas I have met have been incredibly helpful. At the same time, it opens up interactions with people who have very different opinions. Other people are ill-informed but seem informed through social media and they spread myths.
Have you ever been in a situation (or witnessed one) where someone made you feel ashamed for something you did as a mom? Were you able to overcome it? How? What are your thoughts on mom bashing and shaming and how would you like to see it change?
I have not experienced it but I have pretty thick skin. I have seen mom shaming so many times in Facebook Groups. It makes me so, so mad. We are all mothers doing our best. We should support each other. I'm actually writing a blog post about this.
What's one tip you would share with future moms?
Surround yourself with a positive support system.
How or what do you want you kids to remember you by?
I want my daughter to remember me as a compassionate listener.
What is something you miss about life before your kids?
Going out with my husband!
What's something that people close to you might not know?
Oh this is tough, I'm an open book.
What inspires you most?
Seeing others embrace their passion!
Are you proud of yourself and who you have become as a mom? Would you change anything?
I am so proud of myself!!!! I may stumble through many days, but I think that's totally normal.
Who are some inspiring mamas you follow on Instagram?
@lifeofaministermom @adventuresoflittlebear @motherhoodrising
Where can we follow you?